Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Step 4 of 5

By January 23, 2018Uncategorized

Suffering from Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, how about Adrenal Fatigue?

Dr. Solomon’s Fibromyalgia/CFS 5 step approach: Step 4


If you have Chronic Fatigue or Fibromyalgia, chances are you’ve got overgrowth of yeast or Candida in your gut. Addressing this underlying infection can have profound health benefits and should not be overlooked if you’re really serious about getting a handle on your condition.

Immune weakness is a part of both FMS and CFS and the most important infections to address in these two conditions is Yeast/ Candida and Fungal.

When thinking Fungal infections most of us (our doctors included) think of nail, skin and other visible fungal infections but rarely investigated gut fungus. Fungal infections in the gut are very common in CFS and FMS and need to be addressed properly.

So how do I deal with Candida/Yeast infections?

Firstly it’s going to take you 3-5 months to get a handle on the imbalance and recreate balance in your gut…it’s not an overnight process.

  1. Avoid sugar…except dark chocolate. Sugar feeds yeast, simple as that. Don’t feed the thing you’re trying to get rid of. Remember fruit is also a sugar, so eat it in moderation while you’re treating your Yeast/Candida.
  2. Take probiotics for 3-5 months. I would recommend the Metagenics range.
  3. Take Omega 3 oils daily.
  4. Take a herbal antifungal for 3-5 months.
  5. A prescription antifungal might be necessary in conjunction with the above, but first start with the first 4 suggestions.

Contact us today on 021-785 4855 to take my FREE questionnaire that will help me create a personalised treatment plan for you to help combat your Fibromyalgia or CFS.

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