I’m a big believer in supplements and vitamins. To be able to take control of my own biology or shortcomings therein and be able to make meaningful changes is something I value highly. To listen to doctors or people “in the know” who tell my patients that vitamins are a waste of time is so ignorant that it deserves a slap upside the head! It might not be common knowledge, but a few things have changed (quite drastically) in the past 30 or 40 years on planet earth. For one thing the diabetes rate has increased 5-fold! It’s gone from around 100 million humans to around 500 million which is completely crazy, but that’s for another blog I’m sure I’ll write soon. Another rather drastic change is that our soil is becoming more and more depleted of its micronutrients which means the food we eat is deficient in its micronutrients which means we the people are deficient in micronutrients which means our cells aren’t getting what they need which = disease like cancer, diabetes, heart disease and a host of cognitive disorders like depression and anxiety to name a few. The level of deficiency of trace elements, enzymes and specific nutrients is widespread the world over and unfortunately even present in our Organic foods that have been grown in a responsible way although at lower levels.
I regularly participate in sports in a competitive environment and continually test myself against previous performances and that of my fellow competitors. I pay a lot of attention to what I eat and how I train but also the supplements I use and from that experience I can say without a doubt that supplements are the key to taking your physical performance/health to the next level while offering vital protection to your body. Correct supplementation will help with recovery from injury or a heavy training session. Stress from a strenuous training session or from a work situation is on a chemical level almost the same. Stressful situations require our physiology to work at a higher level that needs more support at specific intervals to keep things functioning optimally and if you don’t give your body the support it needs, things start to fall apart. “Every time I start a workout routine I get sick”…if I had a penny for every time I heard that line!
Bottom line, if you’re on the fence about supplements, get off it and do the right thing for your body and start with the basics. Food first, that’s the first thing you do right and then address your micronutrients through vitamins and supplements. Every single person on the planet should be taking a Probiotic every single day of their lives along with a good Multi-vitamin that includes Vitamin D3 and Omega oils. If that’s all you do then great, you’ve just done your body a massive favour. If you want to do your body another favour, then add Zinc in every now and again with L-Glutamine to sort out your gut issues (trust me you have gut issues you just might not know about it yet). Your anxiety speaks to a specific deficiency, your poor sleep another. It’s all about reading the signs and addressing the root cause. To support my 47-year old body I’m constantly trying new things that I’ve researched and then using my body as a living experiment. L-Carnitine, Arginine, Zinc, Probiotics, Omegas, Soy Lecithin, MCT oil, Collagen, Multivitamins and D3 are among the regulars I consume each and every day. Earlier this year I placed 16th out of 301 athletes competing in the CrossFit Meridian Region (Africa and Middle East), I have roughly 11% body fat and I feel stronger and fitter than I did 10 years ago. I don’t share this to pat myself on the back or brag, but to share what each of us are capable of in our own physical capacity if we just support the most amazing tool we’ve been given: our bodies.
My service to you is to help get you on the right track in your health goals. If you want to know more or you want to chat about your goals come in and see me for a FREE health assessment and let me share some of my knowledge and see if I can point you in the right direction. 021 785 4855.